Friday, March 28

Get Involved With Your Faith: Praise & Worship at McKendree

By Madison Bonner, Writer

Photography by Madison Bonner and Gwendolyn Southerd

Though McKendree University’s religious affiliation is with the United Methodist Church, the student body contains a variety of religious denominations. McKendree welcomes students of all faiths and encourages them to grow and continue their spiritual journeys. On campus, Bothwell Chapel serves as an excellent resource for students to do just that.

This semester, students met in the lower level of the chapel for an event called Come to the Table. Every first and third Thursday of the month, students celebrate their faith in this student-led praise and worship session.

Upon arriving at the chapel, students can sit wherever they like and enjoy the service among their peers.

Reverend Beverly Wilkes-Null (Rev. Bev) oversees the event along with her chaplain interns. Rev Bev became McKendree’s chaplain in July 2021. She practices ecumenism and hospitality, ensuring that all students are welcome, no matter what their religious status is. Her goal is, “Empowering students to live their own faith.” 

Worship first emerged because of the students. They were interested in practicing their faith together on campus, but there wasn’t an outlet for them to do so. Then, last school year, Come to the Table came to be. When this program began, it was held in 1828 Cafe and hosted by the chaplain interns. Though the chaplain interns still lead the sessions, they have now moved to the first floor of Bothwell Chapel.

 Members of the prayer circle pray the Lord’s Prayer (Our Father) together.

The chaplain interns are students at McKendree who devote extra time to their faith. In addition to hosting the praise and worship sessions, they volunteer outside of McKendree weekly. In their volunteer work, the interns are mentored by pastors and laypeople at their assigned locations.

At the end of the semester, each mentor writes a paper about how their student has grown. The student also writes a paper about what they have learned through their service.

The number of chaplain interns has since increased from two students to nine. These interns serve at eight different congregations, which are located in surrounding areas such as Edwardsville, Troy, O’Fallon, and Lebanon. 

Gwendolyn (Gwen) Southerd begins the service with a welcoming prayer.
Sammy Elling plays the piano and sings during worship.

The highlight of this experience is the music. When the service begins, programs are passed out containing the lyrics to the songs. Rather than traditional hymns, more contemporary Christian songs are played, such as “Perfectly Loved” by Rachel Lampa and “King of Kings” by Hillsong. Four songs in total are typically prepared by Samantha (Sammy) Elling. 

Sammy leads the music, playing the piano and singing. Christopher accompanies her on the bongo.

Halfway through worship, one of the chaplain interns gives a message. Each intern takes turns offering a message, which could be a modern retelling of a passage in the Bible, a personal story with a touching message, or even their testimony. They are given two weeks to prepare, and the topic is completely up to them. Rev Bev’s only requirement is that their message must tie back to Scripture. Though the message may be about someone else’s faith journey, it is meant to inspire the listeners and help them find their own story.

In his message, Dow connected a modern situation to the Parable of the Workers in the Field (Matthew 20:1-16).
Gabe’s message touched on his personal experiences and how his faith has helped him through dark times.
Sammy chose to share her testimony. She spoke about miracles that her family has experienced and how she has grown in her faith. 

After the message, the music picks up again.

Sammy is joined in singing by fellow intern Jeremiah.

After worship, the service is concluded with a brief prayer. On the first meeting of the month, Holy Communion is provided afterward. 

The last session of this semester’s Come to the Table is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 16th at 8:15 PM. The day and time are based on everyone’s schedules, so it may change next semester. Keep a lookout in your email for information regarding next semester’s praise and worship!

Students gather around in a circle to pray and receive Communion.

Come to the Table provides a safe place for students to practice their faith. It also serves as a wonderful opportunity to meet students of your faith and those of different faiths. 

As Rev Bev says, “Give Come to the Table a try, and you’ll discover that you’re welcome.”

For more information, you may contact Rev Bev through her email or in person at Bothwell Chapel. We would love to see you there!


  • Madison Bonner

    Madison Bonner is currently a freshman at McKendree. She works at the Hett and enjoys being highly involved in clubs and activities. Madison is also a Senator for McKendree's SGA, a member of the Honors Program, and a member of KΣT. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and gaming, as well as creating art and photography. Though she is currently undecided, Madison has a variety of interests and is currently exploring several different subjects before choosing a major. During her time at McKendree, she hopes to make an impact and make the most out of the next four years.