To our readers,
Welcome to another semester of The McKendree Review, McKendree’s student-run newspaper. In previous issues, The Review has always been committed to covering interesting stories that McKendree students are passionate about. This semester, under new leadership and with a renewed sense of purpose, The Review seeks to provide the most relevant and topical stories for our readers while representing McKendree’s students, faculty and alumni, as well as everyone involved on campus.
Our mantra for this semester is Revive The Review. This will be accomplished by members of The Review working hard to stay informed on what impacts people on campus and by you, the people of McKendree, holding us to a high standard to find more information on relevant topics so we can bring them to light.
Without further ado, meet the new members of The McKendree Review:
Editor-in-Chief/Assistant Sports Editor
Grant Riggs
Copy Editor
Jack MacLean
Co-Sports Editors
Zach Breeding & Steve Sladek
Photographer/Multimedia Editor
Carley Uchtman
Photographer/Multimedia Editor
Emily Stanowski
Social Media Manager/Photographer
Janel Westerfield
Potential Content For This Semester
- Stories on current campus events
- Significant amount of features ranging from McKendree personalities to much more.
- Special Interest Columns (politics, pop culture, gaming, etc.)
- Unique sports and opinion stories
- Running comic series
Please keep in mind that we are always looking for more writers and no special qualifications are required to contribute. If interested, email us at mckreview@mckendree.edu or visit our office on the second floor of Eisenmayer.
From all of us at The McKendree Review, thank you for reading. We look forward to a great semester of producing the best stories on campus.
Grant Riggs, Editor-in-Chief
Good luck to Grant and the rest of the team!