Saturday, February 22

Tag: campus

Senior Spotlight: Charli Thurlow

Senior Spotlight: Charli Thurlow

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Charli Thurlow Charli Thurlow is a senior mathematics major with a sociology and business minor. She is on the McKendree women’s golf team and a member of both the Phi Eta Sigma honor society as well as the Pi Mu Epsilon honor society.  I interviewed Charli about her time at McKendree and her after-school plans: Where are you from? THURLOW: Belleville, Illinois, about twenty minutes from here.  Why did you choose to come to McKendree? THURLOW: I liked the idea of being close to home, which I have really enjoyed these past four years. I also liked the small close-knit classroom rather than a big, open lecture hall. Being close with my professors has been really nice and helpful, and I liked the campus when I saw it. I he...
McKendree Celebrates Diversity
Campus Events

McKendree Celebrates Diversity

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photography by Grace Gross, Marketing and Communications, & Student Government Association On Tuesday, April 16th, the Office of Residence Life hosted the annual Diversity Carnival in the quad. At the same time, McKendree Student Government Association hosted their biannual International Meal Day. It was a very eventful day, full of learning about diversity and culture and having fun!  Students were able to meet other students in a fun and creative way! Photo taken by Grace Gross. Photo taken by Marketing and Communications. Spectrum Alliance hosted a table that taught us about the “Genderbread Person.” Photo provided by Spectrum Alliance. McKendree Review Photographer, Phoebe runs the Genderbread Person table! Photo taken by Grace Gross....
Solar Eclipse Shines Over McKendree
Campus Events, Campus News, Photos

Solar Eclipse Shines Over McKendree

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography by Phoebe McCutcheon, Madison Rohn, and Mia Wylie On the afternoon of Monday, April 8th, students gazed through glasses at the sky to watch the Great American Eclipse pass over McKendree. Even the Bearcat statue wore protective glasses to watch the eclipse! Photo by Madison Rohn. This year’s eclipse was a total solar eclipse, in which the moon travels between the sun and the Earth, covering our view of the sun. McKendree’s campus was in an area of 99.7% totality, meaning that almost all of the sun was covered during the peak of the eclipse, which occurred around 2:00 P.M. (Padilla & Zaiets, 2024). The next solar eclipse in the U.S. isn’t until 2044, so this phenomenon was worth celebrating (Padilla & Zaiets, 2024). Celebratin...
Celebrate Women’s History Month with Women Authors

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Women Authors

Depiction and Quote from “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath By Megan Melone, Writer Photography via Pinterest and Wikipedia Literature is still very male-dominated, with women authors and women’s writings often being overlooked for more established and revered male authors and male-written works. To celebrate Women's History Month and bring more awareness to women writers, I compiled a list of classic feminist works. There are numerous impactful women writers and works to read, and I encourage you to expand your literary circle. The works below are a good starting point for the reader who wants to delve into feminist writings.  Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neale Hurston was born in Alabama but grew up in Eatonville, Florida. Her writing cele...
McK Radio’s Guide to Podcasting Projects
Academics, Podcasts

McK Radio’s Guide to Podcasting Projects

By Elana Melzer, Head Producer Has your professor assigned a podcasting project? Have no fear, McK Radio is here! McK Radio is located in Carnegie 110, and we are your source for all things podcasting at McKendree! The McK Radio podcasting studio is home to state-of-the-art microphones from Heil Sound, along with a soundboard and computer programmed with Audacity. Using the equipment may seem overwhelming at first, but we are here to help you learn more about the process of podcasting.   Here are 5 tips to make your podcast the best one yet! 1.Write a script. Get all your ideas out before podcasting by writing a script. Write out your ideas in a way that makes sense and flows well. The script does not need to be word-for-word, but make sure you have the key points written o...
Senior Spotlight: Martina Hicks
Profiles, Sports

Senior Spotlight: Martina Hicks

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography from McKendree Athletics Martina Hicks is a senior biopsychology major with a minor in biology. Martina is the 2022-23 Academic All-GLVC and a recipient of the James R. Spalding Sportsmanship Award, as well as the secretary for SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory Committee).  I interviewed Martina about her time at McKendree and her plans for the future:  Where are you from?  HICKS: I am from Coeur d’Alene, Idaho originally. But the last four years I’ve lived in Hamilton, Montana.  Why did you decide to come to McKendree?  HICKS: My senior year was COVID. I originally was on the brink of playing golf in college. In Idaho, golf is a spring sport, so I didn’t get a spring season, and that made me push towards looking at schools. McKendree...
 Senior Spotlight: Phoebe McCutcheon

 Senior Spotlight: Phoebe McCutcheon

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Phoebe McCutcheon Phoebe McCutcheon is a senior art major. They are the captain of the McKendree women’s rugby team and a Resident Assistant in Walton Hall. I interviewed Phoebe about their time at McKendree and their plans after graduation:  Where are you from?  MCCUTCHEON: I am from Indianapolis, Indiana.  Why did you decide to come to McKendree?  MCCUTCHEON: I decided to come to McKendree because they had just started the women’s rugby team and I wanted to be one of the first people on the team.  McCutcheon poses with their art at an exhibition Why did you choose to pursue an art major?  MCCUTCHEON: Art is one of the few things that I have been consistently good at through my life. I am definitely not a math p...
Catalyst: Calling All Creatives!
Academics, Arts, Campus Events

Catalyst: Calling All Creatives!

By Catalyst Team Cover photo of Catalyst student editors (not pictured: Elizabeth Bocock) by Dr. Jenny Mueller. It’s that time of year again: the editors for Catalyst are looking for submissions!  Catalyst is McKendree University's student-run arts and literature magazine that gives students a chance to have their work seen by the public. Every spring a small group of student editors compile short stories, poetry, art, and creative nonfiction from students like you!  “The first version of the magazine appeared in print in 1991,” said Dr. Jenny Mueller, professor of English and faculty advisor to Catalyst. “It’s run continuously since then and has been a website since 2016.” The website format has allowed the editors to publish more student art than ever before. Scarlett ...
Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey,  I have been working at Walmart for the past three years. I have done anything and everything the boss has asked of me. My co-worker Brian has become my best friend here; we enjoy every moment together. This past month, the boss announced that there would be a management position opening up and that we could all interview for the position. Unfortunately, Brian did not make it past the first round. While I am sad for him, I am very happy that I made it. After a week of waiting for updates, my boss told me I got the job! When I told Brian, he just stood there and gave me a little smirk and said “Yay.” We haven't talked much since then. Do you have any advice on how I should approach the situation?   Sincerely,  Smirky Jerky   Coworker friendships can be hard to navig...
We Were Shining: McKendree Theatre Tells Story of Women Who Sued Radium Dial
Arts, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events, Entertainment

We Were Shining: McKendree Theatre Tells Story of Women Who Sued Radium Dial

By Madison Rohn, Lead Editor Photography by Michelle Magnussen “This isn’t a fairy tale, though it starts like one. It’s not a tragedy, though it ends like one.” This line begins the play These Shining Lives, which McKendree Theatre will perform from February 29th to March 3rd. The play, written by Melanie Marnich, tells the compelling true story of Catherine Wolfe Donohue, one of the thousands of women hired by the Radium Dial Company in Ottawa, Illinois, during the 1920s to paint watch faces with radium. As told in the play, Radium Dial ensured their watch painters that radium was safe, even though the company knew otherwise. After Catherine and her co-workers contracted radium poisoning, they sued the company. Catherine’s eventual legal victory changed worker safety laws in Am...