Tuesday, March 11

Tag: feature

Senior Spotlight: Isabella Barbaglia
Profiles, Sports

Senior Spotlight: Isabella Barbaglia

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography via Bella Barbaglia Isabella Barbaglia is a senior history major. She is the president of the McKendree History Club, plays on the McKendree women’s golf team, and is a member of both, Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Alpha Theta honor societies.   I interviewed Bella about her time here at McKendree and her after-school plans:  Where are you from? BARBAGLIA: I am from St. Louis, Florissant Area, which is like North St. Louis.  Why did you decide to come to McKendree? BARBAGLIA: I went to Rockhurst in Kansas City, and after my freshman year I decided I didn’t like it. I wanted somewhere closer to home and I was looking at small schools. When I visited McKendree, I loved the campus and had the opportunity to play golf, so I decided to com...
Dear Bogey: The Angry Elf 

Dear Bogey: The Angry Elf 

Dear Bogey, I have a friend who gets mad over the littlest things. This person is always moody, and it is getting to the point where I can't stand to be around him. When he's in a good mood, he's the funniest person I know, but when he's mad, it is the complete opposite. I understand he is my friend and it should be easy to talk with him about this, but I don't know how to go about it. I don't want to lose him as a friend if I confront him, so I am really torn on what to do. What should I do about my friend, and how should I confront him on his mood swings?  Sincerely,  The Angry Elf  Emotions can be difficult to manage in friendship conflicts. Graphic from theconversionlift.com Dear The Angry Elf,    When dealing with a friend who has frequent mood swings...
McKendree Celebrates Diversity
Campus Events

McKendree Celebrates Diversity

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photography by Grace Gross, Marketing and Communications, & Student Government Association On Tuesday, April 16th, the Office of Residence Life hosted the annual Diversity Carnival in the quad. At the same time, McKendree Student Government Association hosted their biannual International Meal Day. It was a very eventful day, full of learning about diversity and culture and having fun!  Students were able to meet other students in a fun and creative way! Photo taken by Grace Gross. Photo taken by Marketing and Communications. Spectrum Alliance hosted a table that taught us about the “Genderbread Person.” Photo provided by Spectrum Alliance. McKendree Review Photographer, Phoebe runs the Genderbread Person table! Photo taken by Grace Gross....
Celebrate Women’s History Month with Women Authors

Celebrate Women’s History Month with Women Authors

Depiction and Quote from “Lady Lazarus” by Sylvia Plath By Megan Melone, Writer Photography via Pinterest and Wikipedia Literature is still very male-dominated, with women authors and women’s writings often being overlooked for more established and revered male authors and male-written works. To celebrate Women's History Month and bring more awareness to women writers, I compiled a list of classic feminist works. There are numerous impactful women writers and works to read, and I encourage you to expand your literary circle. The works below are a good starting point for the reader who wants to delve into feminist writings.  Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston Zora Neale Hurston was born in Alabama but grew up in Eatonville, Florida. Her writing cele...
 Senior Spotlight: Phoebe McCutcheon

 Senior Spotlight: Phoebe McCutcheon

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Phoebe McCutcheon Phoebe McCutcheon is a senior art major. They are the captain of the McKendree women’s rugby team and a Resident Assistant in Walton Hall. I interviewed Phoebe about their time at McKendree and their plans after graduation:  Where are you from?  MCCUTCHEON: I am from Indianapolis, Indiana.  Why did you decide to come to McKendree?  MCCUTCHEON: I decided to come to McKendree because they had just started the women’s rugby team and I wanted to be one of the first people on the team.  McCutcheon poses with their art at an exhibition Why did you choose to pursue an art major?  MCCUTCHEON: Art is one of the few things that I have been consistently good at through my life. I am definitely not a math p...
Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey: Smirky Jerky

Dear Bogey,  I have been working at Walmart for the past three years. I have done anything and everything the boss has asked of me. My co-worker Brian has become my best friend here; we enjoy every moment together. This past month, the boss announced that there would be a management position opening up and that we could all interview for the position. Unfortunately, Brian did not make it past the first round. While I am sad for him, I am very happy that I made it. After a week of waiting for updates, my boss told me I got the job! When I told Brian, he just stood there and gave me a little smirk and said “Yay.” We haven't talked much since then. Do you have any advice on how I should approach the situation?   Sincerely,  Smirky Jerky   Coworker friendships can be hard to navig...
It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students It’s All in Your Genes, Right? | Popular Delusions (wordpress.com) Have you ever heard that you can’t change who you are because of the genes that come from your parents? Well, you would be lumped into a group with the many people who also believe that myth. Because it is a common myth, a simple Google search gives you many articles that include misinformation about heritability and the impact of genes. People may misinterpret how genes influence behavior and write about them, such as this article that lists 27 things that are supposedly inherited from your parents. Simply defined, heritability is a measure of differences in traits across people due to genetics. If a trait is 100% heritable, the differences...
Senior Spotlight: Brianna Burke

Senior Spotlight: Brianna Burke

By Megan Melone, Writer Photography submitted by Brianna Burke Brianna Burke is a senior secondary English education major from Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada. Brianna is the goalie for the McKendree women’s hockey team, and she also plays saxophone in the McKendree jazz band. I interviewed Brianna about her time at McKendree and her plans after graduation:  Where are you from?  BURKE: I am from Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada.  How has living in the U.S. been for you? BURKE: When I first came down here, it was quite a culture shock. I came in August of 2020, and that was when the election was going on, so just seeing the political climate and how very different it was from home and proximity-wise being so far from home was a huge change. I had never lived awa...
Go on a Blind Date With a Book!

Go on a Blind Date With a Book!

By: Isabella Brand Photography collected by Isabella Brand Like many places this type of year, most libraries participate in the festivities of Valentine’s Day. Along with decorating, some libraries take Valentine’s Day to the next step with their own version of a “blind date.” If you have been in Holman Library this month, you may have noticed a decorated table near the couches and the front desk. On the display table was a sign that read “Go on a Blind Date with a Book!” One of our librarians, Kasandra, put up the display on February 4th. The display lasted until the 11th. Students and staff were allowed to pick out a wrapped item on the Valentine’s Day-themed table. These items consisted of puzzles, DVDs, books, and stickers. Some books had a typed description taped on the...
Do You Have What It Takes To Be A McKendree Student Staff Member?
Campus Events

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A McKendree Student Staff Member?

By: Grace Gross, Lead Editor Photography collected by Grace Gross “The Office of Residence Life plays a vital role in supporting the academic mission of McKendree University by creating an atmosphere that encourages holistic development” (McKendree Residence Life). Residence Life, referred to as Res Life, is here to provide you with a safe residential community while promoting student success.  As a student, when can you be a part of the Res Life community? Currently! Res Life is accepting student applicants for the Fall 2024 school year. There are two positions available: Resident Assistant (RA) and Student Academic Mentor (SAM). By clicking on the desired position, you will be taken to the position description and employment agreement document. Here you can find specifi...