Saturday, February 22

Tag: mckendree

Illinois Gubernatorial Election: An Overview 
Local News

Illinois Gubernatorial Election: An Overview 

By Macy Brown, Lauren Harris & Madison Rohn  Photo collected from WBEZ Chicago: Your voter guide to the 2022 Illinois general election The position of governor of Illinois is on the ballot for this year’s elections, which will be held on Tuesday, November 8th. The two main candidates for this race are the incumbent Governor J.B. Pritzker, who is a Democrat, and Republican State Senator Darren Bailey. (Illinois Gubernatorial and Lieutenant Gubernatorial Election, 2022, 2022) Here is a brief overview of their stances on important issues:   Democrat J.B. Pritzker is currently the governor of Illinois. During his first term as governor, he won bipartisan passage for Rebuild Illinois. This passage was the largest investment in state history to upgrade roads, bridges...
Illinois House of Representatives Election Overview
Local News

Illinois House of Representatives Election Overview

By Caden Brooks, Dameion Hatten & Anna Warkel With the midterm elections approaching quickly, it is very important to know who is running and to understand the views they have before voting. It is not a good idea to roll up to the polling site and just take a guess if you truly care about who you want to be in office. For the state of Illinois, two candidates are running for the House of Representatives. Republican Mike Bost is currently in office. Running against him is Democrat Homer Markel.   Mike Bost graduated from Murphysboro High School in 1979. He then enlisted in the Marine Corps and served from 1979 to 1982. Prior to Mike Bost's election to Congress, he served for two decades in the Illinois House of Representatives. He then rose to a leadership position as t...
The Haunted Tour Returns!
Campus Events

The Haunted Tour Returns!

By: Kristina Ferry & Jasmine Gage Photography by Kristina Ferry, Jasmine Gage & Grace Gross The day before Halloween, the History Club hosted the return of McKendree’s Haunted Tours! The tours used to be held each year, but they had fallen into obscurity. This year the History Club decided they would bring back this tradition, and it was a hit! With the turnout this year, they hope to host this event in the upcoming years! The tour consisted of multiple stops around campus where anyone with a curious taste for paranormal activity could tag along and learn the history of McKendree’s “hauntings." The first stop of the night was the cemetery. We stood near the New Residence Halls as Jacob, president of the History Club and tour guide, told us about the history of College Hil...
Importance of Voting in Midterm Elections
Local News

Importance of Voting in Midterm Elections

By: Reagen Berra, Kamryn Schmalz, and Maria Voss With the midterm elections coming up on November 8th, many people may wonder what the midterm elections entail and why it is important to vote in them. Midterm elections happen nearly two years into a president’s term and are focused on a number of offices, including the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. All 435 seats in the House are decided during the midterm elections, and a third of the 100 seats are decided in the Senate.  Whoever controls the House or Senate controls the agenda and influences national politics which is why the midterms are so important. (U.S. Mission Italy, 2022) Voting in midterm elections can have just as big of an impact on the country as the presidential election due to which way the House and ...
Spooky Sex Wellness Fair & What You Missed
Campus Events

Spooky Sex Wellness Fair & What You Missed

By: Jasmine Gage, Writer Photography by Phoebe Mccutcheon On Wednesday, October 26th, Residence Life presented its annual Spooky Sex Wellness Fair! This fair is about getting into the spirit but also staying safe while doing so as Halloween is slowly approaching. I had the pleasure of attending this fair and explaining everything you could do if you could not make it! Encouraging Boards & Games  The fair included multiple different project boards with a variety of different topics. One of the boards discussed healthy relationships and what is considered good or bad in a relationship. The next one, “Genitalia 101,” discussed both male and female genitals and interesting facts about them. Also featured was “Assume The Position?” which is a matching game that shows multi...
Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

Best Spots for a Midterm Study Session

By: Kristina Ferry, Writer Photos taken by Phoebe Mccutcheon Midterm season can be hard on college students, and McKendree is no different. During this time of year a lot of students take their studies seriously, either to help them not fail a class or to maintain their high grade. Especially around midterms, it is important to know what the best study spots are on campus and how well they work. The three main study spots on campus are the Hub, the library, and 1828 Café. The Hub is a relatively new place on campus, but it is a great spot to study with a group of friends. Several rooms can be reserved that have whiteboards or projection screens for students who want to study on the big screen. Unlike other locations that can get noisy or require students to stay quiet, the Hub en...
McKendree’s First Mental Health Matters Fair
Local News

McKendree’s First Mental Health Matters Fair

By Madison Rohn, Editor On Wednesday, McKendree University held its first Mental Health Matters Fair. The Hett lobby was lined with tables run by psychology students and club members, Counseling and Health services, local counseling services and other organizations. Each table contained information and advice on different mental health topics and coping mechanisms, including meditation, sleep, breathing and journaling. In addition to the tables, there was a meditation station where students could sit and relax.  Photo by Sadie Miyler During the fair, I spoke with Breanna Sampo, a senior psychology major and the president of Psychology club, about the importance of promoting mental health. She said, “A lot of students are struggling and they don’t even know how they’re strugg...
St. Louis Deemed Best City for New Grads, Lebanon Ranked Charming Small Town in IL
Campus News, Local News, News

St. Louis Deemed Best City for New Grads, Lebanon Ranked Charming Small Town in IL

By: Chloe Gamber, Head Academic Writer Previously, Josie Blasdel, the director of Undergraduate Admissions, has given St. Louis some praise by sharing various articles. The first one I would like to discuss is how St. Louis is ranked 100/100 for being one of the best places for undergraduates to start their careers! “Since college grads tend to earn less earlier in their careers, an analysis by insurance provider Insurify ranked cities in the U.S. by employment opportunity and affordability, as well as transit costs and livability. The rankings were narrowed down to the best city in each state and based on an ‘overall appeal’ score out of 100, with 100 being the most appealing. Here’s a look at the 10 best cities for new grads to start their careers, according to the article:&nbs...
Catfish & Pike Research
Following the Faculty

Catfish & Pike Research

Dr. Michael Louison had two papers accepted for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Fisheries Research. Dr. Michael Louison is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Program at McKendree University The first is the major one to highlight, as (now former/graduated) McKendree Students Emma Knoebel, Riley Ross, and Nathan Brand shared first-authorship on the paper, which was done with me and Dr. Robb VanPutte co-advising. The citation is here: Brand, N.R., Knoebel, E.M., Ross, R.M., VanPutte, R.D., and M.J. Louison (2022 in press). Post-release physiological disturbance in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus caught by recreational anglers. Fisheries Research. The second recent publication was from some data I collected along with John Bieber of the University of Illino...