Friday, February 21

Tag: mckendree

Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center
Following the Faculty

Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center

Dr. Richelle Rennegarbe, Nursing Division Chair/DNP Program Director/Professor of Nursing developed and implemented a four-part series focusing on Health Equity: Growth and Understanding for Rural Communities for the National Rural Health Resource Center. Professor Richelle Rennegarbie is a Professor in the McKendree University division of Nursing The four two-hour sessions focused on the following: Session 1 - Health Equity - What Every Rural Resident Deserves Session 2 - Health Equity - Using Cultural Intelligence in Rural Settings Session 3 - Health Equity - Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Rural Settings Session 4 - Health Equity - Evidence-Based Strategies to Address Health Equity This has an excellent opportunity to partner with a national rural health orga...