Saturday, February 22

Tag: psychology

Are These Criminals Insane!

Are These Criminals Insane!

By Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology studentsAre These Criminals Insane! | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever watched the court show Judge Judy, or perhaps CSI or Law and Order? These shows are inspired by real-life crimes, but they have a Hollywood twist to create an entertaining story. One commonality between reality court shows is the exaggerated use of the insanity defense. Humans are naturally more likely to remember the successful instances of using the insanity defense rather than the unsuccessful attempts. This has led to the American belief that a large proportion of criminals successfully use the insanity defense, although that is not the case. First, let’s make sure we all understand exactly what the insanity defense is.  In some cases, ...
It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

It’s All in Your Genes, Right?

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students It’s All in Your Genes, Right? | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard that you can’t change who you are because of the genes that come from your parents? Well, you would be lumped into a group with the many people who also believe that myth. Because it is a common myth, a simple Google search gives you many articles that include misinformation about heritability and the impact of genes. People may misinterpret how genes influence behavior and write about them, such as this article that lists 27 things that are supposedly inherited from your parents. Simply defined, heritability is a measure of differences in traits across people due to genetics. If a trait is 100% heritable, the differences...
More Like Neighboring States!

More Like Neighboring States!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students More Like Neighboring States! | Popular Delusions ( Have you ever heard the phrase “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus?” Or do you ever just feel when communicating with someone of the opposite gender that you are two very different people from what feels like two very different planets? Like Mars and Venus? American pop psychologist John Gray popularized the idea of women and men using different types of communication. He created the Mars and Venus series of self-help books, which began with Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus that advanced the belief that men and women have entirely different styles of communicating their needs. Gray wrote, “Not only do men and women communicate differe...
The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

The Rom-Coms Were Wrong!

From Popular Delusions, a blog by Honors Intro to Psychology students The Rom-Coms Were Wrong! | Popular Delusions ( If you have ever decided to spend your Friday night indulging in a romantic comedy, then you know that they are filled with cheesy one-liners, and the main character always ends up with the person of their dreams.  The idea that opposites attract is a focal point in countless movies, TV shows, and books. The smart, shy, standoffish heroine and the outgoing, popular, pretty-in-an-obvious-way type somehow find comfort in the arms of one another (AKA the entire plot to She’s All That). This is the idea that opposites attract. Ross and Rachel, Danny and Sandy, Ron and Hermione, Cher and Josh, and countless others are the rule. The exception are those who ...
Welcome Dr. Wang, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Academics, Following the Faculty

Welcome Dr. Wang, Assistant Professor of Psychology

By: Kara Guetersloh, Guest Writer Title photo retrieved from McKendree employee directory McKendree University welcomes Dr. Hui Wang, the new Assistant Professor of Psychology. Dr. Wang is originally from China but moved to America in 2018. She got her doctorate at the University of Kansas. Before teaching at McKendree University, Dr. Wang majored in applied linguistics and taught English in China. She wanted to find new ways to motivate her students. This led her to the field of psychology. She said, “I wondered what I could do to motivate my student’s learning. I just wanted to keep studying about motivation and then started to study psychology.” Dr. Wang was attracted to McKendree University because of the campus life. Upon her initial visit to the university, the people st...
Mental Health Matters Fair Returns
Campus Events, Campus News

Mental Health Matters Fair Returns

By Madison Rohn and Grace Gross, Lead Editors Photos provided by Counseling Services Last Wednesday marked the return of the Mental Health Matters Fair. The fair was presented by the offices of Counseling Services and Residence Life as a way to promote mental health and inform students of the mental health resources available to them. One table provided student-athletes with tips to help their mental health. Tables were set up in the Hett and were run by campus offices, such as Counseling Services, Health Services, and the Student Success Center, along with psychology students and club members, and local counseling groups. Students were given passports to have marked at each station that they could enter to win a raffle. The first table at the fair gave students passport...
McKendree Psychology Club
Academics, Campus Events, Entertainment

McKendree Psychology Club

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief Photography: taken and provided by Grace Gross Senior Breanna Sampo is the President of the Psychology Club. Breanna’s favorite part about Psychology Club is the connections she builds with her psychology peers and the opportunity to be herself.  When talking about what it is like being President of the Psychology Club, Breanna said she enjoys “being able to work alongside Dr. Hahn and brainstorm fun and creative ways to get students involved and engaged beyond the classroom.” Charlee Taylor, Secretary of the Psychology Club, shared similar thoughts: “I enjoy getting to learn more about psychology in a fun way and ways that interest me. Like through socials, movies, and game nights.” I, Grace, am the Social Media Manager for Psychology ...
McKendree’s First Mental Health Matters Fair
Local News

McKendree’s First Mental Health Matters Fair

By Madison Rohn, Editor On Wednesday, McKendree University held its first Mental Health Matters Fair. The Hett lobby was lined with tables run by psychology students and club members, Counseling and Health services, local counseling services and other organizations. Each table contained information and advice on different mental health topics and coping mechanisms, including meditation, sleep, breathing and journaling. In addition to the tables, there was a meditation station where students could sit and relax.  Photo by Sadie Miyler During the fair, I spoke with Breanna Sampo, a senior psychology major and the president of Psychology club, about the importance of promoting mental health. She said, “A lot of students are struggling and they don’t even know how they’re strugg...