Monday, March 31

Tag: student perspective

Seeking validation: the world of likes

Seeking validation: the world of likes

BY NICOLE FUNG CALLEJA Staff Writer It’s not a secret how heavily connected most college students feel to various social media platforms. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Some people use social media on a constant basis, but the question is, is this kind of social media use beneficial? (more…)
Why studying abroad is like getting new eyes

Why studying abroad is like getting new eyes

BY NICOLE FUNG CALLEJA Staff Writer Studying abroad is an experience that cannot be compared to anything else. The experience of being immersed in another culture and being surrounded by different people and customs other than the ones you are used to are sure to create change in your perspective. I had the chance to chat with international and local students about their experiences while studying abroad in the hopes of motivating those who are deciding whether or not to take the plunge. (more…)
Lost in transportation

Lost in transportation

BY LAUREN REEVES Staff Writer Flights out from the cornfields to the Bay. Guzzling gas tanks. Endless popping potato chip bags bursting all over the backseat. Cramming bodies into small SUVs. Frantic hotel concierges. All of these are parts of the traveling process you as students could experience when you go on a conference trip in college. McKendree University likes to make sure students are engaged in the classroom and outside. They even like to help sponsor trips to conferences to let students gain leadership skills and learn interesting things McKendree can offer. Some time or another, every student should experience what it is like to travel on behalf of McKendree, whether it’s for academics, sports or clubs. (more…)
Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

Bearcat thoughts: MAP grant

BY TEAGAN SCHWAB Staff Writer For many of the Bearcats who reside in Illinois, receiving the MAP grant is a make or break deal for attending McKendree. Over the last few weeks, students rallied to try to get Governor Rauner to sign the bill to continue funding for the MAP grant. (more…)
Stressing students from an online perspective

Stressing students from an online perspective

BY ALLISON DONOFRIO Staff Writer As students are settled into their spring classes at McKendree, I, an online student, conducted a survey before, during and after finals to see how students handled stress for the fall semester.  The survey collected data on how many hours he/she studied for finals and how they dealt with stress during finals. A total number of 14 responses were collected. 35 percent of students said they were stressed on a level of 2 for finals last semester, on a scale from 1-10 with 1 being the highest. Meaning, that 35 percent of students were very stressed for midterms and finals. It is also interesting to note that there were 2 responses who said they were hardly stressed at all for finals, with a 9 out of 10 responses. (more…)
Alone in your 20s: a tale of single hearts

Alone in your 20s: a tale of single hearts

By GRACE McDOWELL Staff Writer Oh great, another one of my Facebook friends is engaged. Wait, when did that couple get married? Wow, she’s in a relationship again?  You may have had these thoughts when scrolling through your news feed from time to time and finding that many of your classmates are engaged, married or even just in a nauseously cute romantic relationship. (more…)
Homesickness is okay: here’s how to deal with it
Advice, Perspective

Homesickness is okay: here’s how to deal with it

BY NICOLE FUNG CALLEJA Contributing Writer Imagine your excited, panting dog, your little sister with a glimmer in her eyes, your parents welcoming you to your already familiar surroundings: the streets, the driveway, the smell of your favorite dish wafting from the kitchen, the bang of a door slamming, the yelling of the next-door neighbor, the poster-filled walls and the creaking of your bed. These are the noises that cheerfully announce that you’re home. The place where you are most relaxed, the place that has seen you grow and that now, as a college student, you value much more. (more…)