Wednesday, March 26

Month: March 2023

Women’s History Month Choir Concert

Women’s History Month Choir Concert

By: Breanna Sampo & Grace Gross, Editor in Chief Featured Image retrieved from @mckendreemusic on Instagram The McKendree Chamber Choir celebrated Women’s History Month with a beautiful concert in the Piper Academic Center lobby on Friday, March 24th. Dr. McDonald, assistant Professor of Music Education, featured songs written and composed by women, and English Professor Dr. Muller read several poems written by women.  This year’s theme for Women’s History Month is celebrating women who tell our stories. Dr. McDonald selected wonderful pieces that spoke to the essence of the theme. The first poem read was “Canary” by Rita Dove. This poem commemorates the life of Billie Holiday, who was an African American jazz singer who wrote protest songs for the Civil Rights Movement ...
<strong>Set Yourself Up for Success: How Student-Athletes at McKendree Prepare for Competition</strong>

Set Yourself Up for Success: How Student-Athletes at McKendree Prepare for Competition

By: Elma Oijens Sjoelin It was not until college that I started reflecting on how I prepare for my soccer games. I never really had a standard routine, but when I came to McKendree, I met other student-athletes who knew exactly what they needed to do to prepare for competitions. I found it interesting how different everyone’s routines were, and after listening to and observing what my friends did to prepare for games, I was inspired to create a routine for myself. I quickly realized that what I did before my soccer games affected my performance, but I also realized that what worked for others did not always do the trick for me. I had to try different things and constantly change my game day routine to find out what worked for me. My game day routine is still a work in progress. To find...
Spring Cleaning for the McKendree Radio!

Spring Cleaning for the McKendree Radio!

By: Elena Melzer, Podcaster If you’ve been wondering where the hosts of the McKendree Radio have been, you will find them buried beneath the rubble in the McK Radio room. Just kidding; they are all fine, but one host has taken charge of the cleaning duty. I, Elana, the host of “The Spooky History of McKendree,” have been clearing through the history of what the McKendree Radio room used to be. The spare room connected to the Radio room has been filled with cardboard boxes, used poster boards, craft supplies, random T-shirts, someone’s mail, health books, and much more for possibly a decade. Mid-February I began the clean-up process but quickly became distracted by the random items I found. The McKendree Radio room used to be home to the Health Office, but they left unnecessary i...
McKendree Theatre Shines Starlight on Untold History
Arts, Campus Events, Campus News, Community Events

McKendree Theatre Shines Starlight on Untold History

McKendree theatre’s spring play, Silent Sky, tells the story of real-life astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. The play, written by Lauren Gunderson, focuses on Henrietta’s time working at Harvard Observatory in the early 1900s as one of their female “computers” – a person who did the math for (mostly male) astronomers – and her efforts to balance her relationships with her quest to understand the universe. Picture of Henrietta Leavitt retrieved from As the play highlights, in real life, Henrietta discovered over 2,000 Cepheid variable stars, which are stars that go through periods of brightness and dimness. Her biggest achievement was the discovery of how to calculate Cepheid stars’ distance based on their brightness cycles.1 This discovery made it possible to determine how far...
A Campus Full of Love Part 2

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

When continuing to discuss the different kinds of love, one you should not forget is familial love. With many of McKendree’s students living away from home, it is easy to forget to spend time with those who love you. As we get older, it’s more difficult to spend time with our families when our  lives get busy and we move away. However, some actions can help us stay close to our family. Calling your parents once a week or sending a funny video to your sibling are small but easy ways to keep in contact with your loved ones. As humans grow up, our ideas of family change, which is why it is important to stay close to the ones we call family. Staying connected with family members can help people feel love even when they are away. Another type of love is platonic love, which is commo...
Women’s Bowling: Defending the National Title

Women’s Bowling: Defending the National Title

By: Elma Oijens Sjoelin Photos provided by Anna Warkel By far one of the most successful athletic programs at McKendree University is the women’s bowling team. Last year, they won the NCAA bowling championship, and with a winning history behind them, the women’s bowling team is now aiming to defend their national title. A history of winning comes with high expectations and a lot of pressure, and when you are number one, others are hungry to knock you off the podium. In fact, on February 10th, the NTCA (National Tenpin Coaches Association) ranked the McKendree women’s bowling program as number one in the nation on their National Coaches Poll.  Although the bowling team is busy managing academics and bowling this time of the year, Anna Warkel, a second-year student who com...
McKendree Psychology Club
Academics, Campus Events, Entertainment

McKendree Psychology Club

By: Grace Gross, Editor in Chief Photography: taken and provided by Grace Gross Senior Breanna Sampo is the President of the Psychology Club. Breanna’s favorite part about Psychology Club is the connections she builds with her psychology peers and the opportunity to be herself.  When talking about what it is like being President of the Psychology Club, Breanna said she enjoys “being able to work alongside Dr. Hahn and brainstorm fun and creative ways to get students involved and engaged beyond the classroom.” Charlee Taylor, Secretary of the Psychology Club, shared similar thoughts: “I enjoy getting to learn more about psychology in a fun way and ways that interest me. Like through socials, movies, and game nights.” I, Grace, am the Social Media Manager for Psychology ...