Monday, March 31

 Senior Spotlight: Phoebe McCutcheon

By Megan Melone, Writer

Photography submitted by Phoebe McCutcheon

Phoebe McCutcheon is a senior art major. They are the captain of the McKendree women’s rugby team and a Resident Assistant in Walton Hall. 
I interviewed Phoebe about their time at McKendree and their plans after graduation: 

Where are you from? 

MCCUTCHEON: I am from Indianapolis, Indiana. 

Why did you decide to come to McKendree? 

MCCUTCHEON: I decided to come to McKendree because they had just started the women’s rugby team and I wanted to be one of the first people on the team. 

McCutcheon poses with their art at an exhibition

Why did you choose to pursue an art major? 

MCCUTCHEON: Art is one of the few things that I have been consistently good at through my life. I am definitely not a math person so trying to choose a science-based career was not gonna work out. So, trying to play to my strengths a little more. 

What activities are you involved in besides rugby? 

MCCUTCHEON: Besides rugby, I have been an off-and-on photographer for the McKendree Review. I am also a part of Res Life. I am the R.A. for the first floor of Walton. 

Tell me about rugby. 

MCCUTCHEON: We have grown a lot as a program, after the first year we got different coaches. Having started from nothing, and then starting from nothing again with brand new people, I feel like we’ve grown a lot. Some of the people I’ve gotten to meet I have genuinely considered good friends. I have developed more friendships along the way. I feel like it’s been a really great community and it’s been a great place to let people who may not be a part of anything on campus join in and have a community where they can fit in and feel included. 

Do you have any favorite memories? 

MCCUTCHEON: Something that we’ve been doing recently that’s probably one of my favorite things is one of our coaches is Australian so he has an Australian accent. So, when we break down to get water after a drill we all say “waw-ter” in an Australian accent. It’s been really silly and fun and is probably one of my favorite things. 

Tell me about your experience with being the captain of the rugby team. 

MCCUTCHEON: Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. I feel like I am another ear to listen and I am here to support people and also help my coaches out. Sometimes it’s harder to get through to different people and you just need to explain things differently. I like to help out with my teammates and answer questions because I am comfortable with the game. I like sharing my knowledge and helping them to feel comfortable with the sport. 

What are some of your favorite things about McKendree?

MCCUTCHEON: Some of my favorite things about McKendree are the community. It’s a pretty small campus but you get to meet some of the greatest people. You meet some really kind people that will just make your day whether you’re in class or in Ames or 1828 or one of the main stops on campus. It’s nice to have somebody there to uplift you if you’re having a bad day. I feel like campus is a little more personal and connected than a lot of the bigger campuses. 

Fish in a Box Still Life by McCutcheon

What are your after-school plans? 

MCCUTCHEON: After school, I am gonna live at home for a while and work to save some money, so I can travel. I would really like to travel the country and figure out where I want to live and set up a studio there and start selling and making art as a big-time artist. 

Do you have any ideas of where you wanna live?

MCCUTCHEON: Right now I’m leaning towards Arizona. I love the desert, I love cacti and desert plants. And I love the sun even though I’m very pale…

Strawberry Fields Forever by McCutcheon

Any advice for other students? 

MCCUTCHEON: My advice is to find your group, find where you fit in. Even if it’s just one other person you can talk to every day. Make friends, make connections. Because there’s connections you can use outside of school, connections in the real world like corporate offices. So, reach out and make connections. 


  • Megan Melone

    Megan Melone is a writer and editor for The McKendree Review. She is an accounting major from Trenton, Illinois. Megan is the secretary of the Student Government Association and plays percussion in the McKendree band. She likes to skateboard, write, and watch TV in her free time.