Saturday, March 29

A Campus Full of Love Part 2

When continuing to discuss the different kinds of love, one you should not forget is familial love. With many of McKendree’s students living away from home, it is easy to forget to spend time with those who love you. As we get older, it’s more difficult to spend time with our families when our  lives get busy and we move away. However, some actions can help us stay close to our family. Calling your parents once a week or sending a funny video to your sibling are small but easy ways to keep in contact with your loved ones. As humans grow up, our ideas of family change, which is why it is important to stay close to the ones we call family.

Staying connected with family members can help people feel love even when they are away.

Another type of love is platonic love, which is commonly shared by friends. Platonic love has not received a lot of attention in the past, but it has gained popularity in recent years due to pseudo-holidays like “Galentine’s Day.” This love is commonly shared daily with friends meeting up in cafeterias or hanging out in each other’s rooms. While the word “love” may not be the preferred word to refer to your friends, it is important to appreciate the relationships that you have with them because friends may be gone before you know it. A good friend can be just as valuable as a good romantic partner.

Spending time with friends can help spread and express platonic love.

The last type of love is romantic love. While romantic love is quite popular and receives a lot of attention, it can sometimes be deceiving. Within many romantic relationships, there are people that may make the situation toxic. Remember that romantic relationships should not cause you to feel trapped within them. The relationship should be something that is beneficial to both members and should not involve abuse of any kind. No amount of gifts or compliments from others makes the abuse or toxic moments worth it. It is better to be alone and healthy than to be abused and with someone else.

Love is something that is oftentimes fickle and can be hard to find, but finding it in all aspects of your life makes each day just a bit brighter. 


  • Kristina Ferry

    Kristina Ferry, a first-year student here at McKendree. Her major is Sociology, and she hopes to spend her future in either an administrative role or social services. She spends most of her day in the 1828 café, working on homework and talking with friends. In her free time, she plays on her Nintendo Switch, reads fantasy novels, or scrolls mindlessly through social media. She joined the McKendree Review to improve her writing skills and inform others about events on campus. As she becomes more familiar with what McKendree offers, she hopes this place will become a second home.