Friday, March 7

Go on a Blind Date With a Book!

By: Isabella Brand

Photography collected by Isabella Brand

Like many places this type of year, most libraries participate in the festivities of Valentine’s Day. Along with decorating, some libraries take Valentine’s Day to the next step with their own version of a “blind date.” If you have been in Holman Library this month, you may have noticed a decorated table near the couches and the front desk. On the display table was a sign that read “Go on a Blind Date with a Book!”

One of our librarians, Kasandra, put up the display on February 4th. The display lasted until the 11th. Students and staff were allowed to pick out a wrapped item on the Valentine’s Day-themed table. These items consisted of puzzles, DVDs, books, and stickers. Some books had a typed description taped on the front, while others had the genre written on it. These items were free to keep, and the display was replenished when an item was taken. 

I have been reading authors such as Rupi Kaur and Yung Pueblo recently, so I decided to take the book with “Poetry” written on it. After unwrapping it, I was pleasantly surprised to discover something new. I flipped through it, and it seems like a fascinating read. I ended up taking two more books, one with the description of The Karate Kid and the other with the genre of “Adventure Fiction.” I’m excited to dive into all of my new books!

Fellow McKendree Review writers Madison B., Elizabeth, Madison R., and Grace participated in the surprise as well. Madison B. received a movie, a documentary, two books, and stickers. She describes her experience as “Riveting, it was like Christmas. I liked discovering [items] that I may not have found before or been exposed to.” Overall, she was pleased with her picks.

Elizabeth took a puzzle, two books, and stickers. Her favorite item she opened was a puzzle of a sleeping cat surrounded by yarn. She explained how the experience with blind book dates is a “mixed bag” because some books are obscure titles. She also mentioned, “I am very interested in this psychological thriller I got.” 

Madison R. picked out a book with the description “Six extraordinary men have shared one vision of a black tower and a river of blood. Somewhere in the desert wastelands of America, the ultimate battle will be waged.” She elaborated that the book she chose may not be for her, but enjoyed the surprise. “It was fun. I liked looking at all the books on the display and trying to guess what each one was.” This was Madison’s second year participating in the festivities, and she enjoyed the book she got last year. 

Grace collected three books and some stickers. She told me she took some stickers to gift to friends and sent them in Valentine’s Day cards. Her favorite book she opened was The Knowing by Sharon Cameron, which is the second in the series. She was able to buy the first book for cheap and said, “I can’t wait to read them!” To sum up her experience she said, “Blind date with a book is one of my favorite parts about the Valentine’s Day season. It encourages people to read by making it a fun experience!”

Hopefully, all of our reviews of Blind Date with a Book influence you to check out the display next year. There may be hidden gems waiting for you to find!


  • Isabella Brand

    Isabella Brand is a writer for the McKendree Review. She is a first-year student majoring in accounting and is involved in many extracurriculars on campus. In her free time, Isabella enjoys learning to longboard, drawing, and watching movies. She hopes to take advantage of all the experiences McKendree has to offer and enjoy her time here.