Friday, March 7

Love Mckendree Content? Mckendree Radio Records New Podcasts!

By: Megan Melone, Writer

Photography By Elana Melzer, Head Podcast Producer

Podcast lovers know there are a lot of options when it comes to the type of content you listen to. Maybe you’re into documentaries or conversational podcasts. If you’re like me, then you love to listen to macabre true-crime podcasts. The Mckendree Radio is busy recording content with a little something for everyone. I sat down with Mckendree Radio’s head producer, Elana Melzer, a communication major from O’Fallon, Illinois, to find out more about McKendree Radio’s upcoming and current projects:

Elana Melzer, Head Producer, Mckendree Radio

What upcoming projects is the Radio working on?

MELZER: So for my podcast, I do The Spooky History of Mckendree, and I am going into the Holman Library archives to research different historical events for the podcast. There is a podcast about the history of sports going up soon. I am planning on interviewing Mckendree alumni about what it was like when they were at Mckendree, to see how things have changed. I want to
interview teachers who were McKendree alumni and other alumni who still live in the area. I want to get their perspectives and hear about if they ever ran into ghosts. 

Are you saying it’s haunted here?

MELZER: I know there is a ghost that lives in New Res. from the cemetery over there, but it’s like the ghost of a little child, and she seems really sweet. I am pretty sure the alumni house is haunted by like two adults and a baby. I have never been in the building though, so I cannot confirm. 

Cover of The Spooky History of McKendree University podcast. Made by Elana Melzer

Wow. I feel like Eisenmayer would be haunted too. It’s kinda creepy.  

MELZER: Yeah, I haven’t seen anything about ghosts in there. The chapel might be haunted, but I don’t know. I don’t think so. It would be the bell tower. 

I met with one of your team, Denaysha, who is doing a podcast. Do you have any other students that are doing individual podcasts like that?

MELZER: Yeah, so there’s Denaysha and Alondra that are doing their podcast together which they told you about. There was a podcast that was just posted by Kira and Rhian who are doing a series called Mck You Know, and it is going to be interviewing different athletes. There is another Mckendree Radio member who is interested in doing a sociology and psychology podcast. 

Podcasters Kira and Rhian conducted interviews for their new series. Photo retrieved from McKendree Radio Instagram

Sounds like a lot of campus perspective content?

MELZER: Yeah. And I am going to be starting a new series that will be a weekly post of a little overview of what’s going on at Mckendree this week. 

Nice! Kind of like a mini news?

MELZER: Yeah a mini news. I am still working on it, but it will be like what sports events are happening this week, what is C.A.B. hosting this week. 

That’s a good idea. So, what are you most excited for this year?

MELZER: This year is my first year as head producer. I would say, I am most interested in getting to hear people’s podcasts. Like before they get posted because last year I pretty much was the only one doing podcasts. But this year since I am in charge, I get to review people’s podcasts before they get posted, so I get to hear them before most people. That’s fun!

You get like the exclusive look on it. 

MELZER: I also run the Instagram, and I am excited about hopefully posting more reels and more entertaining stuff on there. 

McKendree Radio logo. Retrieved from McKendree Radio Instagram

 So, where is the recording studio?

MELZER: The studio is in Carnegie Hall, room 110 I think. There is a whole podcasting studio setup with mics, and headphones, and a computer. So it’s pretty cool. People have told me it looks really intimidating, just looking at it and seeing all the equipment. People will think, ‘Oh no it’s expensive, don’t touch it.’ But honestly, I am comfortable around it because I have been doing it for like a year now. 

Are students still able to join the McK Radio?

MELZER: Yeah, if anyone is interested in joining or learning more about the club, they can reach out to me or the Instagram. 

Do you have anything else you want to add?

MELZER: Go listen to the podcasts! 

Additionally, I interviewed a freshman member of McKendree Radio about the podcast she and her friend are starting. Denaysha Jackson, a biology major from Springfield, Illinois, and Alondra Moreno, a psychology major from Centralia, Illinois are starting a podcast that will cover the freshman experience at Mckendree. Their podcast, Voice Vibes, will be recorded in the Mckendree Radio studio on campus, and the podcast will cover everything from meeting your roommate to the first day of classes. The podcast will provide insight and advice, while also covering the creator’s perspectives and experiences as they navigate college life. The podcast will feature other first-year students representing different student organizations and athletics. The creators hope that other students can relate to their experiences and be inspired to share their own thoughts and perspectives in a way that they are passionate about. 
Tune into Voice Vibes and all McKendree Radio content on Spotify and Soundcloud! Go follow the McKendree Radio Instagram for updates and more info:


  • Megan Melone

    Megan Melone is a writer and editor for The McKendree Review. She is an accounting major from Trenton, Illinois. Megan is the secretary of the Student Government Association and plays percussion in the McKendree band. She likes to skateboard, write, and watch TV in her free time.