Sunday, March 30

The Wonders of Holman Library

By Isabella Brand, Writer

Photography by Isabella Brand

As a first-year student at McKendree, I love exploring the campus to see what different locations offer. Holman Library piqued my interest because it has so many resources for students. Students can check out a variety of items (not just books!). 

The library offers GoPros, laptops, Chromebooks, calculators, DVDs, Blu-rays, board games, miscellaneous cords, and textbooks. Depending on the type of item checked out, due dates will vary. Make sure to pay attention to when the items are due so you don’t get fined! Taking advantage of textbooks, laptops, and DVDs by borrowing them from the library can save you some money. Calculators are an excellent loan, especially if you are taking a math class.

Free books for the public to take! The charging station is to the left of the shelf.

In addition to all the fun things you can borrow at the library, they also offer free resources such as charging stations, access to Apple computers, copies, and stationery. There are phone charging stations (USB-C and lightning) available to everyone. These can be found on the main floor and upper level. For those who prefer Apple over Windows, you can use the Mac Lab. 

The Mac Lab is located on the main level in the room next to the couches.

If you ever need to make a copy, you can come to the library. They do not charge for printing unless you go over your 500-page limit for the semester. The number of copies replenishes every semester, so you have 1,000 free copies each year! Near the printer, there are paper clips, rulers, binder clips, and scrap paper that are free to take. Tape, staplers, and a hole puncher are free to use as well.

If you ever get thirsty at the library, there is a Starbucks coffee machine and a vending machine full of snacks, soda, juice, and water.

When you first walk inside the library, you are greeted by a wonderful book display. Our Research and Instruction Librarian as of July 2022, Claire Reinert, updates this display a few times per month. The current theme is “Stranger Reads,” which features Halloween-themed books, so be sure to come in and see it! 

Claire’s Stranger Reads book display

Not only does Claire make book displays, but she also helps students find scholarly articles and navigate the databases McKendree has access to. Comparing databases to department stores, she explained how someone might go to Dillard’s to find a pair of shoes, but if someone goes to Nordstrom, they would have a different selection. If someone is looking for running shoes, they may go to Dick’s Sporting Goods. Each store represents a database, so when students become frustrated after looking through one database and don’t find any results, Claire can “point students towards the right databases to be searching in.” 

Claire at her desk on the main floor of the library. Photo taken by Grace Gross.

When asked about her favorite resource the library provides, she recommended Google Scholar. Claire explained that it is easy to use. You can type all of your thoughts into the search bar, and it will try to make sense of it by finding a relevant article and putting it at the top of the results. She explained Google Scholar is “kind of able to search through all of our databases at once.” It is not always accurate, but it saves time looking through multiple databases. If you link McKendree University to Google Scholar (through their settings), you can have access to more articles there.

Next time you are feeling stressed, you can help put the community puzzle together!

Holman Library’s director is Debbie Houk, who also happens to be a Mckendree alum. She has worked here for 27 years and became director in August 2020. Debbie helps with the library’s operations, manages resources, and “serves as Archivist for the University Archives.” Debbie took over the archives and museum in 2010. The lower level of the Holman Library holds information about the different buildings, alumni, past presidents of McKendree, former Boards of Trustees, and events. 

Debbie at her desk on the main floor of the library. Photo taken by Grace Gross.

Also on the lower level of the Holman Library is the Special Collections room, which features three different collections – the Benson Wood collection, the Irving Dilliard collection, and the Warren Grauel collection. In addition to the physical archives, Debbie manages the online digital archives which include scans of yearbooks, lists of past graduates, lists of honorary alumni, founding documents, history of the buildings, and history books of the University. You can schedule an appointment to visit the Special Collections room or view specific material by emailing Debbie Houk or visiting the archive’s website: (You can also access the digital archives from here!)

Information table about the University Archives & Museum in Holman Library.

In addition to managing the archives, Debbie also helps with the Museum located in the Chapel. The Museum features donated items and old McKendree merchandise. It’s fascinating to see the history of Illinois’ oldest university.
Debbie said the remodeled second floor of the library is her favorite resource. The Dilliard-Dorris Learning and Conference Center features various charging stations, two conference rooms, the Writing Center, tutoring services, and the education and technology office. Debbie believes, “It was a much-needed improvement which allows students to have space to study and collaborate.”

The next time you need something, consider going to Holman Library because the staff are always willing to help!


  • Isabella Brand

    Isabella Brand is a writer for the McKendree Review. She is a first-year student majoring in accounting and is involved in many extracurriculars on campus. In her free time, Isabella enjoys learning to longboard, drawing, and watching movies. She hopes to take advantage of all the experiences McKendree has to offer and enjoy her time here.