Monday, March 24

Trick or Treat at the Stevenson House 2024

Written by Madison Bonner

Photography by Madison Bonner

On Halloween night, McKendree hosted its annual trick-or-treat event. ResLife and SGA organized the event, though it was a little different from years past. This year, it opened up to a wider audience, allowing trick-or-treaters of all ages to attend, including not only McKendree students but also residents of Lebanon. It was also hosted outside the Stevenson House rather than on campus, which made it more accessible and visible to the town of Lebanon.

Improv Club members Coleman Cummins and Dow White dressed as mimes and performed silent skits for passing trick-or-treaters. (Photo credit: Megan Melone)
Melissa McHenry provided a booth for McKendree’s Health & Counseling Services, giving away candy, water and glow sticks.
Jennifer Pickerell and Dr. Joni Bastian managed the booth for Career Services!
Bearcat Gaming’s booth was managed by Cathryn Houck, a member of the club’s current D&D campaign.
McKendree’s Alpha Delta Gamma chapter set up a table with their ADG tent and decorations.
ResLife staff dressed up for the occasion and provided both candy and temporary tattoos!
Trick-or-treaters could choose a stencil pattern and color(s), which the ResLife staff would use to draw their temporary tattoo with brush markers.
Above, the Speech and Debate team asks a trick-or-treater what her favorite Halloween song is.
McKendree Media was represented by Elana Melzer, McKendree Radio’s Head Podcast Producer. Trick-or-treaters could choose either a trick or a treat at this booth!
This booth was managed by McKendree’s History Club, which hosted an activity where trick-or-treaters could knock over a stacked pyramid of cups with a ball.
Pictured left-to-right are Student Government Association members Dow White, Trevor Pickerell, Madison Bonner, Giada Macchiaverna, and Megan Melone. (Photo credit: Daniel Duncan
SGA handed out water and candy to trick-or-treaters.
There were plenty of fun and unique costumes all night long!
Luna Tsuzuki managed the booth for the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts. She promoted the Hett’s upcoming events and gave away bracelets, stickers and magazines.
Members of Kappa Sigma Tau handed out candy and promoted their upcoming trivia night.
Rotaract passed out glow sticks and candy to trick-or-treaters!
McKendree’s MedLife organization was represented by Giada Macchiaverna and Sarah Velazco, whose theme was “crazy doctors.”
As pictured above, the MedLife team applied temporary tattoos to their “patients.” True to the club’s theme, all tattoos they provided were designed after wounds.

Thank you to all 14 organizations that participated in this year’s event and all the students who attended! It was a huge success, which would not have been possible without their support. All night, trick-or-treaters came from all different ages and backgrounds and wore all different costumes. We hope to see you again next year!


  • Madison Bonner

    Madison Bonner is currently a freshman at McKendree. She works at the Hett and enjoys being highly involved in clubs and activities. Madison is also a Senator for McKendree's SGA, a member of the Honors Program, and a member of KΣT. Her hobbies include reading, writing, and gaming, as well as creating art and photography. Though she is currently undecided, Madison has a variety of interests and is currently exploring several different subjects before choosing a major. During her time at McKendree, she hopes to make an impact and make the most out of the next four years.